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The Husserl Archive in Freiburg

The Husserl Archive in Freiburg is one of three archives that provide the facilities to examine and edit the enormous philosophical corpus of Husserl’s work. The book series of the Husserliana is edited in the Freiburg archive, as well as in the archives in Leuven and Cologne.


A Short History of the Husserl Archive in Freiburg

das husserl-archiv im kollegiengebäude 1 der universität freiburg

The Founding of the Husserl Archives

Following Husserl's death in 1938, his philosophical scripts were rescued from the Nazis by the Belgian Franciscan Father Herman Leo Van Breda and sent to Leuven (Belgium). The first Husserl Archive was built in 1939 in order to continually evaluate and secure his published and as yet unpublished manuscripts.

After the war, Husserl’s long-term academic assistants, Eugen Fink and Ludwig Landgrebe, founded Husserl Archives at their work places in Freiburg and Cologne in 1950 and 1951. Since then, Husserl’s papers have been edited and published in the collected works (Husserliana), in close collaboration between the three archives.

Heads of the Archive in Freiburg

The first head of the archive, Eugen Fink, was followed by Werner Marx in 1971. Werner was followed by Bernhard Rang in 1994. Since 2003, Hans-Helmuth Gander has been the director of the Husserl Archive in Freiburg.

Access to Husserl’s manuscripts

The Freiburg archive has microfiche copies of all of Husserl’s manuscripts. The texts were written in shorthand, transcribed to a large extent and can be read by those interested. Research amidst the nearly 40,000 pages of manuscripts is facilitated by different search options. Moreover, the Husserl archive offers a range of important periodicals covering literature on Husserl.


"Stolpersteine" for Edmund and Malvine Husserl

Embedding the Stolpersteine

On the 22 April 2013, so called "Stolpersteine" (stumbling stones) were officially embedded in the street in front of Edmund und Malvine Husserl's last self-chosen domicile in the Lorettostraße 40. Afterwards, another "Stolperstein" for Edmund Husserl was embedded in front of the main entrence to university building "Kollegiengebäude I". The stone's inscription commemorates the injustice and humiliation that Husserl had to face at the University during the national socialist rule.


stolpersteine für edmund und malvine husserl          verlegung von stolpersteinen für edmund und malvine husserl          stolperstein für edmund husserl (kg1)


About the "Stolpersteine"

The "Stolpersteine" (stumbling stones) are part of a project of the artist Gunter Demnig. The stones are meant to commemorate the fate of those people, who were murdered, deported, expelled or pushed to commit suicide. The "Stolpersteine" are cubic concrete stones with a length of ten centimetres. On the surface of these stones, a brazen plate carries an individual commemoration. Usually, they are embedded in the street's pavement in front of last domicile that the respective victims could choose themselves. (Source: Wikipedia)


Editing of Husserliana Volumes

The following volumes of the collected works of Husserl (Husserliana) were edited in Freiburg (funded by the DFG):

  • Volume XXII
    Aufsätze und Rezensionen (1890-1910)
    Hrsg. v. Bernhard Rang (1979)
  • Volume XXV
    Aufsätze und Vorträge (1911-1921)
    Hrsg. v. Thomas Nenon und Hans Rainer Sepp (1987)
  • Volume XXVII
    Aufsätze und Vorträge (1922-1937)
    Hrsg. v. Thomas Nenon und Hans Rainer Sepp (1989)
  • Volume XXXVI
    Transzendentaler Idealismus
    Hrsg. v. Robin D. Rollinger (2003)
  • Volume XXXVIII
    Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit
    Hrsg. v. Regula Giuliani und Thomas Vongehr (2004)







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